Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why be .....

Rudeness will earn you a visit to Ms. McKee.
Some students in this school are just plain ridiculous. They have no signs of respect for  our teachers or other students and faculty in this school. The students can be outrageously disrespectful especially to the teachers. I’m not talking about everybody but every school has that one group of friends that can’t help but misbehave just for kicks. I could name off quite a few but I wont because even though they can ruin things for everyone I have enough self respect to leave it be, instead of making a big deal of it. The teachers have to deal with so much crap from these particular students that they take it out on their other class periods. its not fair, so I ask the question why be rude.  think about it its not worth it. Grow up!

Dude don’t hit the toilet seat when  you use the bathroom because other people have to use those toilets to, Think about it. do you want to  sit in urine when you take the browns to the super bowl? didn’t think so! next time you do it think about who has to clean that stuff up. I don’t see you in there cleaning it up. No the janitors do. they have to clean up urine from other people! Eww gross! Next time think before you go because your aim isn’t as good as u think. And what’s with the writing on the stall walls? Dude, if you want to talk to somebody, meet with them, don’t be a chicken. the janitors don’t want to read your gossip and other junk that you post for the whole world to read. Post that junk on face book that is what that site is for, drama.

Seriously, like we don’t have enough to deal with in the first two articles, now you are just pushing it. Why do it? why fight? do what a normal person would do. Hold your chin up and walk on. trust me you have nothing to prove. Here is a life lesson, you cant beat up everybody, Your not the toughest person on earth. You will eventually pick a fight with the wrong person and you will get hurt. So just stop while you are ahead. And all the fights are just over stupid stuff.  Once again grow up! Your drama doesn’t interest anybody, and the attention you are craving from it is never there. So just be reasonable, you don’t have to be stupid!


  1. The end of Article #2 encourages #3, dude.

    1. i see what i forgot to do, lol i forgot to replace the word drama with love life lol

  2. ah I see that now lol I guess i got in to much of a hurry to get this article published i missed a point or two. Your comment is appreciated i will get on that correction right away thank you :)
